Measuring our fundraising is one of the most important things that we do. Measuring helps us see if a fundraiser is doing well or if it’s time for it to be replaced. I remember working for a larger nonprofit and we had an event that has gone on for over...
If you’ve been reading my blog at all this month you know that Nonprofit Nation is the new membership I’m opening up August 1, 2020. Momentum is stage 3 of that membership. Nonprofits in stage 3 are getting more and more success in fundraising and are...
A Fundraising Plan is a roadmap to where you want to be. This plan is uncomplicated and ready to execute when you are done. The First Year Fundraising Plan will help you find the time and raise more money.
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About Me
Most nonprofit leaders lay awake at night trying to figure out how to fund their mission.
Hi! I'm Alesha.
I teach sustainable fundraising in a way that they can take action today so they can serve their clients.
I can help you move from just getting started funding your new nonprofit to gaining confidence in your fundraising and building relationships to knowing what works for your organization and looking at the infinite game when it comes to funding. I’ve worked with nonprofit Founders and written the book I HAVE MY 501(C)3! NOW WHAT?!? Your Blueprint to Starting Your Nonprofit Without Being the Sole Funder that lays the foundations for funding in a new nonprofit.
I’ve worked in Development (Fundraising) Departments in large organizations and I know the no cost, low-cost methods they use to bring in funding. I bring those sound strategies to the nonprofits I serve.