About Me

Hi, I’m Alesha Mathis.

You passionately want to make a difference with your nonprofit.

I serve folks like you, providing the tools you need to get exactly what you want: a successful nonprofit that transforms lives.

I remember working at a nonprofit…

…and thinking I would love to have eight arms right now (…or better yeta few clones!)

There just wasn’t enough time in the day for one person to get it all done! A manager once gave me a book to help with time management, called “The One-Minute Manager.”

I remember eagerly reading it, hoping to finally find that “magical” solution to my time management headaches… but by about the fifth page in, I was completely discouraged! The book talks about delegating and not taking on projects unless you are certain that you can manage them.

As a one-woman department at an organization on a VERY tight budget, juggling 20 highly knowledge-specialized projects at any given time… I simply didn’t have anyone to delegate TO!

That was the most frustrating and demoralizing time in my career.

I wish I’d had someone like me to help…

The idea for Mathis Nonprofit Services had been rattling around in my head for about twenty years, but it wasn’t until fell in love with a small nonprofit and felt the pain and frustration of wearing so many hats that my business was defined.

For eight years, I worked for larger nonprofits learning about administrationthe nuts and bolts of nonprofits, marketing, and fundraisinghow to bring in millions of dollars…

I saw how they brought in big bucks and the low-cost & no-cost techniques they used. I studied the industry leaders to hone my craft.

I knew what to do!

And there I was, running the programs department in a small nonprofit, where I was told marketing and fundraising was not my job and no one would listen to my expertisehow we could do a few small, no-cost changes and automate so much and see the organization skyrocket.

I knew my talents weren’t being utilized and that frustrated me.  I knew I could help.

But I was in programs, not fundraising.

After ten years in the nonprofit world, I now serve new & small nonprofits. I’ve bundled my frustrations into a solution for youa Fundraising Framework that helps anyone interested in fundraising learn how to raise money for their mission easier and faster.

Today, I help nonprofit Founders and people wanting to raise funds sustainably and professionally through the Fundraising Success Roadmap, the Start a New Nonprofit Framework, and the Fundraising Framework.

When I’m not creating actionable content or figuring out how to best help those I serve… I am taking part in Netflix binge-watching, spending time with my family, and taking care of my cats.

I Believe…

Nonprofits should operate as a passionate business, never losing focus of the compassion they have for the people they serve.

And they should be empowered to do so, using low-cost & no-cost fundraising and marketing techniques to skyrocket their impact.

Let’s start a conversation about working together today…

Use this link to schedule a free 30-minute call with me on your most pressing challenge.

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