Getting Funding Means Thinking Like a Fundraiser

Getting Funding Means Thinking Like a Fundraiser

You’ve done all the fundraising things you know to do- events, grants, asking, sponsorships, and on and on. But you aren’t gaining traction. Are you missing something?   I’ve been there too. I came from real estate to the nonprofit world and I didn’t have a clue....

Write an Email People Want to Read

Write an Email People Want to Read

Newsletters are dead. Really. Asking people to sign up for your newsletter is a waste of effort. I know that it is shocking to hear as many nonprofits use newsletters so frequently but it is the truth.   Those nonprofits sending these letters haven't been paying...

Use Social Media to Gain Donors Pt 2

Use Social Media to Gain Donors Pt 2

Last week, I talked about using the AIDA advertising format to design a donor funnel on social media and gain donors. To refresh your memory, AIDA is an acronym for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action and is used in marketing and advertising. I remember in college...

Use Social Media to Gain Donors

Use Social Media to Gain Donors

Today, I’m going to share the first part of the donor funnel for social media to get people from liking the page to becoming a donor.  Since I recommend Facebook to be your initial social media platform, I’m going to talk in terms of Facebook. 

What to Do When Dealing with Difficult People

What to Do When Dealing with Difficult People

One of the main solutions in dealing with difficult people is to have alternative solutions. For instance, if someone complains that a particular solution won’t work, first ask why. If they come up with a valid reason, then offer alternatives. If they continue to shoot down every suggestion you produce, ask them to come up with a solution.

Fundraising Basics: COVID-19 Edition

Fundraising Basics: COVID-19 Edition

In this unprecedented time, fundraising is more important than ever. Question is how do you fundraise? My husband and I were talking the other day because, for some reason, he has an interest in how to fundraise when you are in isolation. My husband, who is not...

A Note from Alesha

A Note from Alesha

Hello, As I went to write another blog post, I thought writing a letter to you would be better. We are in unprecedented times after all. First, I want you to know you are not alone. I want to encourage you to continue. Don’t give up. Yes, things have gotten harder....

April Posts for Nonprofits

April Posts for Nonprofits

I am continuing the series where I give you posting ideas for each month.This time it’s April. I’ve included some notes that are COVID-19 specific so you can fit the post to more relevant times. I’m giving you a list of national days so you can tailor days to your...

Simple Ways to Overcome your Fear of Taking Massive Action

When a moment of panic comes over you, imagine your role model and remember that they too have experienced fear. But they moved through it anyway.

Defining Your Ideal Donor Doesn’t Have to be Complicated

Fundraising 101 is you start from within and work your way out. You start with you and your Board’s family and friends and work your way out. But what happens when you get through your family and friends? Using the purpose of an ideal donor allows you to no longer ask your friends and family for donations. You can move past that circle and out further in your community. Expanding your donor list brings in more funding.

Creating More Powerful Communications Donors Will Love

Consistent messaging is one of the most important activities you will perform in your marketing and fundraising communications and strategies. Find out how and download the worksheet.

Newsletter Strategies that Help You Get Great Content and More Time

I know for me the struggle was always time and content ideas. If that’s you, then this Nonprofit Insiders Club Edition is for you.

7 Fundraising Strategies When Money Is Tight

When you are starting out, money is tight. Money can get tight as the economy changes. No matter how long you are a nonprofit you will run into lean years. It’s a fact of life. So what are some ways you can gain more funds when money is tight? Here are seven...


A Simple Plan

About Me

Most nonprofit leaders lay awake at night trying to figure out how to fund their mission. Hi! I'm Alesha. I teach sustainable fundraising in a way that they can take action today so they can serve their clients. I can help you move from just getting started funding your new nonprofit to gaining confidence in your fundraising and building relationships to knowing what works for your organization and looking at the infinite game when it comes to funding. I’ve worked with nonprofit Founders and written the book I HAVE MY 501(C)3! NOW WHAT?!? Your Blueprint to Starting Your Nonprofit Without Being the Sole Funder that lays the foundations for funding in a new nonprofit. I’ve worked in Development (Fundraising) Departments in large organizations and I know the no cost, low-cost methods they use to bring in funding. I bring those sound strategies to the nonprofits I serve.

Club Calendar

Keep up with what’s going on in the club! Facebook Lives, new releases, challenges, and all things fundraising can be found here.

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